Invitiation to BRM 600 km Sveta Nedelja 2017.

12. svibnja 2017. | Arhiva, News

Dear all,

We will repeat the curriculum of brevet a bit. OK, not all, just some of us.
We will drive 600 km as last fall. Hopefully, honestly, I hope that everyone who starts will be finisher. Namely, this extraordinarily route announced for the second Saturday of last October came to the bragging voice because of nobody finished in the first attempt. This is my second brevet project with this title.
Let’s look at the bright future and I’ll overwrite some of my own autumn announcement. Do not sue me for an plagiarism!
The route leads from the first seconds of Saturday May 20th, from Sv. Nedelja through Kerestinec to Rakov Potok, Jastrebarsko, Karlovac… After Karlovac you will ride on the famous state road D1 to Zaton Obrovački and the first control on the 230th kilometer.
After warm meal at the restaurant ANITA you will drive along the coast to the northwest through Starigrad, Karlobag at the main road and reach the second control point in a mountain hut at Alan.
In continuation you will trip to the northwest along the coast to Jadranovo and via Križišće on the last long climb to the Gornje Jelenje where you can wave goodbye to the sea for this time.
The third checkpoint is planned for the gas station INA in Delnicama that works non-stop. From Delnice to Sv. Nedelja road is well known for the Croatian randonneurs and their guests. Delnice – Ravna Gora – Vrbovsko – Karlovac – Jastrebarsko – St. Nedelja.
So, as always when driving 400 and more kilometers except the correct bike you must be equipped by helmet, reflective vest, white front and red rear lights. Without that equipment start on brevet will not be allowed.
In the case of the bad forecast for coast under the Velebit mountain start will not be held. During the first night hours you can supply at gas stations that working nonstop in Karlovac, Turanj and Slunj. In return, late at night, you can supply at the stations in Senj, Crikvenica, Delnice and Karlovac.
On should finish by 16:00 on Sunday May 21st.
Entry fee is 100 KN. For all official finishers there will be available for order commemorative medal at the price of 70 KN.
You can submit your application until Thursday, May 18th at noon. In your application include your first and last name, postal address; email address, year of birth and your cell phone number– submit your application here.

See you at the start!


  • Road Book BRM 400 km Sveta Nedelja
  • Map BRM 400 km Sveta Nedelja
  • GPX files BRM 400 km Sveta Nedelja
  • At the start every participant will receive a road book, map, brevet card, and has to sign the Liability Statement

Sljedeći brevet

Sljedeći brevet

BRM 200 km Požega

15 veljače 2025 - Osječka 19
Požega, Hrvatska 34000
DD dana
HH sati
MM min
SS sek
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